

2kg pork loin, rolled
Vegetable or olive oil
Medium desiree or nicola potatoes (one for each person)
Wiltshire BAR•B Medium Roasting Tray
Multix® Aluminium Foil

Cooking Instructions

  1. Preheat your barbecue to 220°C with the lid down (approx 10 minutes).

  2. Score the skin of the pork by cutting just through the skin into the fat layer. Cuts should be approximately ½ cm apart. Be careful not to cut too deep, you should not cut down into the meat. This job is easiest when done with a very sharp knife such as a Wiltshire carving knife. Alternatively, you could ask your butcher to do this for you.

  3. Drizzle the oil into the pork and sprinkle with salt. Flaked sea salt works the best. Rub the salt really well into the meat – the better you massage it in, the better the crackling will turn out. 

  4. Place the pork into the centre of a Wiltshire BAR•B Medium Roasting Tray. 

  5. Wash the potatoes and wrap individually with Multix® Aluminium Foil. Place the wrapped potatoes around the pork roast in the roasting tray. 

  6. When the barbecue has reached its cooking temperature, turn the centre burner off and place the roasting tray with the pork in the centre of the barbecue. This indirect heating method prevents the pork from getting burnt on the bottom during the cooking process. 

  7. Roast for 30 minutes at 220°C then lower the temperature to 160-170°C. 

  8. Once the roast is finished cooking, rest it in a warm spot for approximately 5-8 minutes before carving.

  9. Serve with the potatoes and your favourite salads and condiments.


The overall cooking time depends on the raw weight of the pork. It takes approximately 50 minutes per kilogram of meat as a general rule.  You can also check if the meat is done by inserting a Wiltshire meat thermometer into the centre of the thickest part of the roast. The core temperature should reach 76°C to be cooked well done. 


Tray will become hot during cooking. Always use protective ware when handling tray. After removing tray from BBQ, use a heat-proof surface that supports the bottom of the tray e.g. Wiltshire wooden chopping board.